Understanding Residential Electrical Inspections

06 May

240506 Understanding Residential Electrical Inspections (Elective)

240506 Understanding Residential Electrical Inspections (Elective)

Monday, May 6, 2024 (9:00 AM to 12:00 PM)
3 Education Credits
Association Classroom, St. Charles, Missouri

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Course Summary
According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), electrical problems are the largest cause of property damage in home structure fires across the United States. Since electrical inspections are important for the safety of one’s home, they often cause anxiety to those purchasing or selling a home. By understanding the process of performing residential electrical inspections, real estate agents can help give peace of mind to all parties involved in the home-buying process.

Learning Objectives
By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

• Understand the importance of safety when evaluating electrical systems in the home

• Define basic safety rules to use when inspecting live electrical components

• Define and identify components of Service Entrance equipment

• Identify common failures that can lead to unsafe conditions around the home

• Understand safety issues related to inspection of panels and enclosures

• Understand connections and defects inside the service panel

• Define current standards for outlets in and around the home

Association Classroom
Association Classroom
110 Point West Blvd.
St. Charles, MO 63301

Map & Directions

Steve Vogel

ContinuedEducation (CE): Cancelling or rescheduling of a Continued Education class must be receivedprior to the start of the class in order to reschedule to a different class. NOrefunds/transfers of payment or Education Card credits will be granted forfailing to show for class or arriving late to the class.