Bridge the Gap Now with Intentional Inclusion 1.0

17 Feb

Bridge the Gap Now with Intentional Inclusion 1.0

Bridge the Gap Now with Intentional Inclusion 1.0

Wednesday, February 17, 2021 (12:00 PM to 1:00 PM)
0 CE Hours
Virtual Webinar

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The American dream of homeownership is deferred by some and virtually impossible for others due to the existence of discrimination. Is discrimination the issue or is there a lack of intentional inclusion? REALTORS® pledge themselves to follow the licensing rules and regulations of the state they are licensed in, Fair Housing, and the REALTORS® Code of Ethics. It is time to IMPROVE the standards of your calling and be intentional about being of service to all.

Virtual Webinar
Virtual Webinar

Marki Lemons Ryhal